9 Metre Waterfed Pole Kit
This 9 metre watefed pole kit contains all the elements you need to clean windows up to 9 metres using reverse osmosis water. In this kit we supply your,
- 9 Metre fibreglass Waterfed Pole complete with Brush and 20 metres of hose
- 15 litre Waterfed Pole Pump Complete With Charger
- 198 Litre Per Day Reverse Osmosis Plant Complete With Filters.
With this kit you will be able to setup and start running within a few hours. Perfect for cleaning solar panels or hard to reach windows. The pole and pump are designed to work as a unit. The Reverse Osmosis unit is designed to connect to a tap and will filter water to fill a holding tank, the RO water can then be decanted to the mobile 15litre pump. We generally always have stock.
What else do you need to get started
- You will need a water tank or flowbin to hold the water that you are filtering.
- You will also need a few 25 litre containers to carry water to the job site.
Instructions On Setting Up
When you get your kit there are a few things you need to do.
- Plug in charger and put backpack on charge.
- Reverse Osmosis system has 1 input and 2 outputs. Plug your hosepipe from the municipal water supply into the input gardiner fitting.
- Take a look at the 2 outputs, the blue output is your Reverse Osmosis/demineralised water that you will keep for cleaning, the red or yellow output is the waste/mineralised water that you will discard.
More Information
- On average it takes between 5 to 10 litres of water to clean a solar panel depending on how dirty the panel is and how big the panel is.
- The packpack can be worn on your back but more realistically you will place the backpack on the ground next to you.
- The 20 metres of extra hose allow you to work effectively while the backpack is stationary on the ground.
How To Use This Kit Effectively
This kit is a cost effective and effective way to get started with your window cleaning and solar cleaning. The Reverse Osmosis Plant is designed to be stationary and produce water at your factory or at home. The base model makes 200 litres of reverse osmosis water per 24 hours If that is not sufficient, we do offer a 1000 litre per 24 hour Reverse Osmosis upgrade. We recommend running the plant to fill your flowbin before the project starts. The next phase would be to decant the water into 25litre containers to take to site, this allows you flexibility over having all the water in one main tank in the vehicle.